Some pictures of us working with Arduino, we got started quite slowly with the coding of Arduino, but we've had a strong idea for some time, we have just been perfecting it! Now we need to turn that idea into a reality...
First thing was to get our hands on an Arduino board along with some adapter shields and sensors, we had a fiddle in one session and coded a nifty little light sensor linked up a LDR sensor. This was actually fundamental to our project as it is reliant on recognising whether the sensor is seeing light or not.
When the code changed from 0 to 1 (i.e no light to light) the light went from on to off!
This means a big chunk of our project is ready to go, we just need to get working on the fartotrom!
We now need to link it up to the fart machine, the machine will still fart but will also play a quicktime video when the sensor is exposed to light.
This reflects the exposure to light it will receive when the light changes to red. The time the cars will be stopped and people will have nothing to look at but the projection.
Here is a picture of the complex set of Arduinos, shields and sensors to make a light sensor.
Jon perfecting the code!
The finished code looking very nice!
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