Thursday, March 11, 2010

Examples of cool Arduino Projects and an intro into what its all about!

All about Arduino... Ahoy!...

Some pretty cool Arduino examples

Arduino EMF Detector

This project, found on YouTube shows how to turn an Arduino micro-controller into sensor of invisible electromagnetic fields using simple wire, a resistor, and an LED.

Aaron ALAI's EMF detector project is awesomely simple to make and fun to use. An upgraded version can be built using an LED bar-graph for more 'meter-like' functionality.

This project is really really cool and would be a great way for someone to find where they are wasting electricity in their house in a fun and easy way. This doesn't really relate to our Stonehouse project but goes to show the possibilities of Arduino are really wide ranging.
I might even give this a go in my own time when the project is completed!

The Code...

As you can see the code is really simple to do as well, showing how accessable arduino is to anyone with a little bit of knowledge... compared to say... JAVA! -.-

EMF Detector Averaging Code
// Aaron ALAI EMF Detector May 28th 2009 VERSION 1.1
// contains code for averaging sensor data

#define sample 300 //this is how many samples the device takes per reading
//more information for #define
int inPin = 5; //analog 5
float val; //where to store info from analog 5
int pin11 = 11; //output of red led

int array1[sample]; //creates an array with number of elements equal to "sample"
//more information about arrays

unsigned long averaging; //the program uses this variable to store the sum of each array it makes

void setup() {



void loop() {

for(int i = 0; i < averaging =" averaging" val =" averaging" val =" constrain(val," val =" map(val," averaging =" 0;" inpin =" 5;" pin11 =" 11;" i =" 0;" averaging =" averaging" val =" averaging" val =" constrain(val," val =" map(val," averaging =" 0;" inpin =" 5;" pin11 =" 11;" i =" 0;" averaging =" averaging" val =" averaging" val =" constrain(val," val =" map(val," averaging =" 0;"

Instead of chaining multiple guitar effects in search of a new sound, the maker of this video decided to mod just one. Using an Arduino microcontroller board + digi-pot chip, he was able to add a variable gating effect to a fuzz pedal.

The Code...

Helicopter Game

This helicopter game is made using arduino, and is similar to the popular copter game online, the refresh rate is a bit slow but the game is simple and engaging.

The Code

This code is more in-depth but is do-able

#include "Arial14.h"
#include "SystemFont5x7.h"

* Helicopter Game v0.1
* By Dave de Fijter
* Free to use and abuse :)
* Uses the ks0108 library from the arduino playground:

int position = 5; // Initial y-position of the helicopter
unsigned int screenwidth = 128; // The width of the screen in pixels (duh)
unsigned int screenheight = 64; // The height of the screen in pixels (duh)
unsigned int playerwidth = 10; // The width of the helicopter sprite
unsigned int playerheight = 5; // The height of the helicopter sprite
unsigned int max_position; // The maximum y-position of the helicopter
unsigned int buttonPin = 12; // The arduino pin number of the play-button
unsigned long xpos = 1; // The x-position of the helicopter ;)
unsigned int iters = 0; // Block iterations, also represents your score
boolean running = true; // Flag that marks if the game is running or not
unsigned int ry; // The y location of the current block to avoid
unsigned int minblock = 19; // Minimum size
unsigned int blocksize = 19; // The startsize of the blocks
unsigned int maxblock = 30; // The maximum size of a block; increase for more difficulty

void setup() {

// Reset the defaults because we wan't te reset the game after a game over
running = true;
xpos = 1;
iters = 0;
position = 5;
blocksize = 19;

// If the button is hold invert the screen, otherwise play it like it's normal
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {
} else {

// Calculate the maximum y position of the helicopter
max_position = screenheight - playerheight - 2;
// Show the introduction screen
// Seed the random generator from the unused analog 5 input (noise)

void intro() {
// Draw the introtext and wait for a second before starting the game
GLCD.GotoXY(40, 26);

void DrawPlayer(int y) {
// Remove the last helicopter and draw a new one on the given y position :)

GLCD.FillRect(0, position, 10, 5, WHITE); // Clear the last heli
GLCD.DrawLine(1, y, 8, y, BLACK); // X,Y,X,Y, BLACK
if(xpos % 3 == 0) {
GLCD.SetDot(2, y, WHITE);
GLCD.SetDot(4, y, WHITE);
GLCD.SetDot(6, y, WHITE);
GLCD.SetDot(5, y + 1, BLACK);
GLCD.SetDot(1, y + 2, BLACK);
GLCD.DrawLine(4, y + 2, 7, y + 2, BLACK);
GLCD.DrawLine(1, y + 3, 4, y + 3, BLACK);
GLCD.SetDot(8, y + 3, BLACK);
GLCD.DrawLine(4, y + 4, 7, y + 4, BLACK);
position = y;

void GameOver() {
// Shop this screen when it's a "Game Over"
// Delay for a sec after that so the reset won't get triggered by accident
// After that second the game can be reset
// Hold the button for a while for "night" modus ;)
GLCD.GotoXY(32, 26);
GLCD.Puts("Game Over");
GLCD.GotoXY(58, 40);
running = false;

void Blocks(int x) {
// Draw the blocks to avoid;
// Sorry, only one at a time ;)
if(x / screenwidth > 0) {
if(x % screenwidth == 0) {
GLCD.FillRect(0, 1, screenwidth -1, screenheight - 3, WHITE);
ry = random(1, screenheight - (blocksize + 2));
int rt = screenwidth - (x % screenwidth) - 10;
int rto = screenwidth - (xpos % screenwidth) - 10;
if(rto >= 0) {
GLCD.FillRect(rto, ry, 9, blocksize, WHITE);
if(rt >= 0) {
GLCD.FillRect(rt, ry, 9, blocksize, BLACK);

if(rt <>= ry && position <= (ry + blocksize)) { // collide GameOver(); } } } xpos = x; } void DrawScene() { // Draw the initial scenery GLCD.DrawLine(0, 0, screenwidth - 1, 0, BLACK); GLCD.DrawLine(0, screenheight - 1, screenwidth - 1, screenheight - 1, BLACK); GLCD.SelectFont(System5x7); } void loop() { // Game code; run the main loop if the game is running; // Otherwise check the button state for a game reset if(running) { if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) { // Go Up DrawPlayer(position - 1); } else { // Go Down DrawPlayer(position + 1); } GLCD.FillRect(100, 4, 26, 7, WHITE); GLCD.GotoXY(100, 4); GLCD.PrintNumber(iters); Blocks(xpos + 1); // Check for status if(position <> max_position) {

int del = 10;
if(iters >= 6 ) {
del = 10;
if(blocksize <= maxblock) {
blocksize = minblock + (iters - 5);
} else {
del = 40 - (iters * 5);
} else {
if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {

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